速報APP / 工具 / Mobius ActionCam

Mobius ActionCam





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


Mobius ActionCam(圖1)-速報App

Application was created to make the settings in your camera easier. It allows you to see the exactly what is recording so you can adjust the view of camera in the desired position. You can also watch the content recorded by your camera.

Mobius ActionCam(圖2)-速報App

Configuration helps you to set the required parameters easily thanks to direct USB communication. You can also set parameters even without OTG cable, you can just use configuration file on memory card.

Mobius ActionCam(圖3)-速報App

Live video gives you the ability to see what is your camera seeing. You can adjust the view of the camera anywhere. You have also the ability to record videos and to capture photos internally in your phone or tablet.

Mobius ActionCam(圖4)-速報App

Media player shows you all photos and videos recorded by the camera. Now, you can watch your videos without computer. You can also easily copy media from your camera into your phone or tablet and save the space in your camera anywhere.

Mobius ActionCam(圖5)-速報App

Firmware update you can easily update firmware of your camera by this application.

Mobius ActionCam(圖6)-速報App

Supported cameras are Mobius ActionCam, Mobius 2, Mobius Mini and 808#16.

Mobius ActionCam(圖7)-速報App

You can try the application and test the compatibility with your device for one hour. This is paid application. I want to avoid a case when you pay for something and it's not working.

Mobius ActionCam(圖8)-速報App

I offer the application for free to users who translate it to other language!

Recommended OTG cable http://goo.gl/O1pTTl

Internal video recording does not support audio at the moment.

Application supports the latest camera firmware.